Sunday, July 19, 2009

All of the same Mold

The Beach Petitions-the Arduous Journey
article written in August 2007 for Lake Worth Media

A little over 2 years ago, on Jun 5, 2007, by a vote of the Commission, three ordinances were passed that could change the future landscape of our beach forever—that of Public Recreation and Open Space (PROS) to Beach and Casino (BAC), a commercial zoning. Because of this zoning change, it will allow all sorts of possibilities of development at our beach. When the economy turns, and it will, developers will once again be storming into our city trying to grab it all.

The people were outraged then. We were still under the control of the development at any cost mentality that was in control of our city. So the people formed a PAC, We Love Lake Worth, and petitioned to get the issue on the ballot: retain a park zoning where the ancillary stores were grandfathered in or go to a commercial zoning that is so open ended that even a small hotel could possibly be built at our beach.--but it was our beach and the residents here had the right to vote on its destiny.

The PAC had less than 30 days to accomplish this and get the required signatures. Not only was there one ordinance to overturn but there were three which made the task even more difficult. They did it. This entire drive was backed by Commissioner Jennings who was the one who actually lead the strategy sessions. Then the City sued. It took until June 23, 2009 to fight this fight when the City dismissed the law suit giving the PAC the right to move and the Commission to write the Ordinance to get it on the November 2009 ballot.

The PAC (Political Action Committee) We Love Lake Worth has taken NO action to bring it to ballot. This is about the WORST political action committee in existence. They dismiss the entire process that we all went through. Now we have Commissioner Jennings giddy on green who wants to spend $5 million redesigning our parking areas and take away upper level parking so that we can look at sea oats and has some hang up on global warming. This is the Commission that was supposed to be for the rights of the people.

The political action committee should be renamed to NON-political action committee or better--wimps. It has a short memory as to why it was formed. It has no loyalty to the people who worked to save our beach. It has no loyalty to the over 3,000 people who signed the petitions. It had no problem taking money from a citizen to fight the law suit and save their homes. It had no problem taking money from citizens who wanted to get this on the ballot. Then when it comes time to do what we all worked for, they ignore it and dismiss it and pretend they were fighting for something else.

Politicians are all of the same mold but a political action committee that goes brain dead regarding its very reason for existence and does not want to go forward is a mystery and commands zero respect. This is about the people. This is about our beach. This is not about playing footsie with a Commissioner--that was not your mission.

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