Thursday, June 25, 2009

Today's News

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Florida Power & Light wants to charge its customers 31% more while its CEO, Lewis Hay III, received $11.5 million last year in compensation. Certainly sounds fair.

State Farm says “no way.” It wants to be unregulated and to be able to charge what it pleases to homeowners for property insurance. They are getting out of this ungrateful State and will discontinue 1.2 million insurance policies. Can they please take their other insurance business with them too?

A roaming bear traveled across our State looking for berries and got sedated near Southern Boulevard. Over development in our State has caused stress, confusion and harm to our wildlife. This bear will be relocated near Georgia. Let’s hope the developers don’t track him down and decide to build.

Governor Mark Sanford of S.C. along with John Ensign, Senator from Nevada, lose the possibility of running for President because they got caught with their pants down. What we do for “love.”

All those worried about Global Warming don't need to afterall. When it happens, if it ever does, Planet Saturn might be our future destination. It was discovered that one of its moons has an ocean underneath. Water!

Paris Hilton, blogger, called a Black Eye Pea member a “faggot.” He got decked and now he has sued for $25,000. Remember, he’s the one who brought down Ms. California for answering a question honestly about marriage.

The PB Post reported that Associated Industries (builders) lied about Florida Hometown Democracy and that its web site STILL has false information on it. Also they said that the Chamber’s revocation drive to get people to rescind their signature on FHD petitions violates the rights of the people to petition as well as the integrity of the ballot.

The PB County Commission spent a week on Marco Island at taxpayer expense for a conference to keep up on homelessness, transportation and energy reform. Isn’t the County laying off record numbers of employees and taxes are going up. Won't these decisions possibly just drive former employees and citizens TO homelessness, cars repossessed and unpaid high FPL bills?


  1. And what did the CEO of FP&L do to earn that 11.5 mil. bonus? I guess that is why the electric charges will go up 30%. Send him here. I`ll give him a bonus of 20,000 volts. He will get a charge out of it.

  2. There was terrible news today with the death of Farrah and Michael Jackson. Pretty sad, both.

  3. don't you have to have your pants down for love?
