Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Stop hiring Illegal Immigrants

There is one town that has been very tough on illegal immigration and took a stand by writing an Ordinance prohibiting businesses to hire them. Of course it was challenged as everything is by bleeding heart socialistic groups. The lower court said St. Louis was right and now the 8th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals there has unanimously affirmed the lower court’s decision.

This decision has consequences throughout the country as more and more cities get fed up with the situation of illegal aliens. The Court’s decision will spread like a tentacle and you can bet that the ACLU is getting involved.

The Feds have abandoned the states and cities to take care of their own problems where illegal immigration is concerned. Illegals have literally brought the State of California to its knees costing every legal citizen there $1,183 per year or $10.5 billion for education, medical services and incarceration. California is near bankruptcy. It costs the taxpayers of Florida an estimated $2 billion a year. Not calculated in this cost are welfare programs, English instruction and welfare benefits to Americans displaced by illegal workers.

We need more and more cities to pass local Ordinances forbidding the hiring of illegal aliens. Do you think we can get one in Lake Worth?

1 comment:

  1. How about just getting back our shuffleboard court? That would be a great start.
