Saturday, June 20, 2009

Rubio Crushes Crist in Straw Poll

Good news was reported for Marco Rubio, who's challenging Gov. Charlie Crist in the 2010 GOP Senate primary:

"Rubio won overwhelming support from Republican party leaders in Pasco County (around Tampa-St. Petersburg), which neighbors Crist’s home base of Pinellas County.

Rubio received 73 votes to Crist’s 9 votes in a countywide straw poll of the Senate primary.

That's a blow to Crist, who was endorsed by the country GOP when he faced a competitive primary in 2006. And it's consistent with the (anecdotal) gripes of many prominent conservative activists throughout the Sunshine State."

We know that polls, regardless of the numbers participating, are usually indicative of the feelings of the people. In this case, it was Republican Party leaders and they are supporting Rubio over Crist. The Democrats better get hustling because Rubio is picking up momentum, not just over Charlie Crist, and there is no one out there who has his charisma to get elected.

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