Sunday, June 14, 2009

Rise above the Sandbox

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The article in today’s paper, Attacks by lone wolf terrorists most difficult kind to prevent, brought to mind those attacks right here in our own community from a few who hate with venom. As one of my readers described them, “mean and nasty.” Even the title of a recent article called me the Queen of Mean. I think the writer got that one really confused with one of his/her peers who is a regular on that Talk Board.

Take the Snook Islands article as an example. Someone submitted a post from the Stafford talk board that disputed my article and its facts. There is nothing wrong with that. Debate is healthy and encouraged by me. The difference here is that the writer chose to personally denigrate rather than staying with the truth as he saw it. This is where this political side is falling down and losing its credibility other than with their own faithful six or so who wallow in the muck.

Now Stafford, himself, has written an article on Snook Islands and the feel of the problem back then from those who were here and their perspective, which of course, differs from my article. I did not live here then so my references were from others. Stafford was rather young when it was all going on and I am not sure he even lived here. The article was in fact, done with references and links and I thought at first the writer was probably Nadine Burns who was very involved back then. Where he breaks down, however, is starting off with the name calling. He just can’t rise above the sandbox. Also, to call me a liar is strong. Blunt. A better word could have been used in its place. But his explanation is opinion from the other faction involved at that time.

To reference someone as “Big Mac” an obvious attack on Mr. McCauley’s weight, is also not appropriate. Usually you learn from your parents not to make unkind personal remarks. Jim Stafford is also a big person size wise. To write that certain people took an approach to an important issue was for self-serving reasons, is an opinion. Views and breezes are blocked and that is a fact. To say that they do not care about the environment, anyone or anything but themselves, is a personal attack but definitely a strong, negative opinion related to those who were trying to protect the environment then.

Even some of the present day Paver crowd were members of the Lagoon Alert Association that had one thing in mind--getting all the facts out in the open and expressing their concerns. They wanted to ensure that all County, State and Federal regulations were not violated or ignored. As we know, our City has a history of getting involved in projects without ALL OF THE FACTS.

The rebuttal would have been much more effective and had some sense of being newsworthy if Stafford had stayed with only his facts and interjected his opinion without getting down and dirty. But this is what he does. This is what he likes to do. This is his persona and the same for all those who follow him who love the bully tactics. Anyone who is a member of that Board must relish in this as would a peeping Tom. If you notice, most there will not even put their name to a post. At least Jim Stafford puts his name out there for all to see who he really is.

Attacks by pit bulls are impossible to prevent, because a pit bull, as loving as they can be one minute, can turn and kill you the next. It is an ingrained trait whereas the bully is just someone who wants to gain control over another. It usually starts when they are very young. They are ONLY popular with their peers; it is a purposeful behavior and usually just random. They pick their target because they think it easy or someone who intimidates them, scares them or could be dangerous to them.

When you are still a bully when you are an adult, it is a dangerous behavioral trait...dangerous to your family and to those around you. The more it is encouraged by peers, the more sick and morally unsound and corrupt it becomes. It’s like cheering on the guy at the top of the bridge who is thinking about suicide and those around egg him on to it. Sick behavior by all involved.

His story would have been much more effective if he had stayed with the rebuttal, with the debate, thus rising from the sandbox.


  1. They are just ignorant. Don't even worry about them. Everyone else here feels sorry for their stupidity. Other than that advice, good article.

  2. As Bill at Lake Worthmedia said, They have no issues other than to react to ours, they have no platform other than to react to ours, they have no mission other than to undo ours, and they have no credibility other than to ride on ours

  3. Mr Coakley is the King of Character assassination,I seem to remember seeing M.L. riding a tractor on his site! It's really sad when citizens who care and devote countless ours to clean up their neighborhood are shed in such a negative lite!

  4. I agree with the last poster. Mary is respected by me and everything she did for Tropical Ridge and the city in general. Anyone who runs for a Board or an elected office has my highest respect particularly when it is done for all the good reasons, rather than their own agenda. Although we differ in opinion on some issues, those difference have always allowed us to be respectful.

  5. Basically it is Wes Blackman always acting like he knows everything and what he says is sacred. Noone else is allowed to have another opinion and if you do you are a lying piece of **** in his humble opinion, of course.

  6. If Coakley did something to Lindsey it is because they ran against each other for Mayor. She took a different view of our utilities and our beach, supporting Greater Bay. We know now that Greater Bay was not reputable and that Coakley was right on our utilities.
    Pissed off about this city
