Friday, June 5, 2009

Religion with a Twist

For a twist on the illegal alien situation, the Latino clergy is now blackmailing the United States government. God love them.

They want the illegals to boycott the 2010 Census. Their argument? They believe that if these supposed 12 million illegals are not counted (and I think we have probably double that amount in this country), it will force President Obama to give them amnesty or give them a definite and sure way to U.S. citizenship without the fear of deportation. And the federal government will be forced to do something before April 2010.

Those areas that have an abundance of illegals right now, such as this sanctuary city, Lake Worth, would be highly impacted on what government money it gets to help the very people who have caused the problem--illegals. The churches are condoning an illegal activity. What will The Mentoring Center do?

So the illegals go underground and ACORN is allowed to take the census. Maybe it will even out.

If they go into hiding and are not counted, you can count on Lake Worth being even a bigger mess than it is right now.

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