Thursday, June 11, 2009

Mulvehill presentation

Unfortunately I was committed to another meeting last night so I missed Commissioner Mulvehill's presentation from her trip to London which was given at Compass. This is what Robert Waples, president of ROLOH, had to say about it.
I attended the Town Hall meeting this evening set up by Suzanne Mulvehill City Commissioner and honestly I'm glad I did. The concepts behind community gardening for us is Grass Roots and in other places in the World is a norm....

Now I would like to say that I got "Drafted" or "Suggested" to help pull a grass roots project like this into some formal setting but the honest truth was that I was so amazed at what Suzanne brought back with her and even more amazed by the people that attended this Town Hall Meeting and Yet even more amazed of just the ideas our collective attendance brought fourth that "Drafted", "Chosen" or on my own free will I'm proud to be a part of a..... Community Garden Project! So all you ROLOH Neighbors that like to grow vegetables, fruit, herbs and other edible plants please let me know who you are...

This effort will blossom quickly and we can learn so much from each other about community gardening. If you're a "grow" crazy person like I am, this is your opportunity to be a part of a community wide project.

In the next week I will build an email list (already started by the great folks that attended the town hall meeting) and a web site that will promote....Community Gardens and working across neighborhood lines to help combine all efforts. This will be a City Community initiative that will grow to include families, children, neighbors and even our own City and County Commissioners. All we need is YOU!

Thank You - Suzanne Mulvehill for bring this back to us and as for all I look forward to working on this project.

Robert E. Waples II
President - Residents of Lake Osborne Heights

1 comment:

  1. Too bad the city can't buy the Sunset property and lease it to a commercial hydroponic or organic grower. That would be a win/win situation for everybody.
