Friday, June 26, 2009

Message from former principal of LW High School

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Dear alumnus or friend of Lake Worth High School--

Today's Palm Beach Post carried a story regarding LW High receiving a letter grade of "D" from the State. The story stated that the school was one of the worst in the State and is in danger of being closed or taken over by the State. This came as a shock to everyone, especially the principal and staff who had worked very hard expecting to raise the C grade of 2008 to a B in 2009.

It is also surprising to see the State take such drastic action as the school has been a C school for the past 3 years while other schools were rated lower for 3 or more years without drastic action being taken. The only explanation I have for that is that the State changes the rules every year. Politicians control the school system and we all know what a great job they do.

The bottom line is this: Lake Worth High School has a tremendous number of immigrant students who come to America without any formal schooling even in their native land. In other words, they are not literate in their native language.

We introduced magnet programs in the 1980's to bring students from other schools in an effort to offset this influx but other schools increasingly initiated magnets of their own. This meant students were no longer coming from other areas of the county as their neighborhood schools now have the same programs. Add to this mix the fact that more immigrants continue to move into our boundaries. Net effect is that Lake Worth High now has, primarily, students that are "Their own."

I support our principal, Dr. Ian Saltzman, and his faculty 100%. No one could have worked harder than they did throughout the school year. A new Chief Academic Officer who has a track record of moving schools has joined Superintendent Art Johnson's staff and will be working very closely with the school next school year.

Lake Worth High is the oldest school in Palm Beach County and has had its share of ups and downs. We will survive this and bounce back, believe me. We are blessed with a great principal and faculty. We also have wonderful students who desperately want to learn, graduate and be gainfully employed. These students realize that an education is their key to success. Six students from the class of 2009 have received scholarships to attend Ivy League schools. No one could expect more from our teachers.

Hang in there and continue to support your alma mater. Better days are a'comin! Once a Trojan, always a Trojan!

Dave Cantley
Alumni Board Member and President of Dollars for Scholars Scholarship Foundation
Principal 1980-1999


  1. Thank you for your words of inspiration! LW is now a haven for illegals and this entire situation brings down the education for those who are ready, willing and able to learn.

  2. As a former student and Principal of Lake Worth High School,I agree with Dave Cantley.Lake Worth High is unique. Those of us that have been at its helm, have been challenged with trying to meet the needs of every student,as the current principal is now. It is a shame that the grades "brand" the school.I am proud to have graduated from L.W.H.S. and prouder still to have been the principal. Hang in there Ian,you are making a difference.Patty Mandigo

  3. thanks. It took someone like Mr. Cantley to call a spade a spade. Now what is Lake worth going to do about this illegal immigration problem.

  4. Just wanted you to know that I am thinking about you, your teachers and students. As the principal of a school like Lake Worth High, the task is huge, the needs are great and the battle is noble. You and your faculty face daily challenges to which most schools in this county cannot relate or appreciate. As most in education know, the system by which our schools are evaluated is faulty and is not a true read of what is happening on a daily basis in each school. Sometimes that works in the favor of the school, sometimes against.

    There are many behind you, supporting you and your staff. As someone who is on campus, working with students and teachers, I am proud of my high school and the work that goes on there. I am proud of, and impressed with, the students and the level of commitment they have shown to me and the Learning Program. Each month somewhere between 10-15 Lake Worth High Little Trojans student teachers show up on a Saturday morning at 9:00am and volunteer their time, energy and expertise to work with our students for 90 minutes. They are attentive, quick learners and flexible in their teaching styles. They are an invaluable piece of the program and everyone involved---parents, teachers, therapist, children---adore them!

    I know this news could not have come at a worse time. Congratulations on your recent marriage and I hope that you are enjoying the honeymoon.

    Best wishes,

    DeeAnne Cantley Feulner
    Gold Coast Down Syndrome Organization
    Program Coordinator
    Early Childhood Education
    Buddy Walk
