Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Marco Rubio

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The guy who might very well END Crist's career in politics:


  1. coming here illegally has nothing to do with this. People should come through the process. He sounds like a democrat.

  2. As much as you are against illegals, how come you are calling attention to Rubio?

  3. The verdict is out for me at this point but he is more conservative than is Crist. Crist has made some bad decisions lately that may be his downfall. Rubio is good looking, young, smart and wanted to reduce government as well as property taxes. This will appeal to a lot of people out here. Holding a lot of power in this State, he might have a chance here.

  4. It sounded like a lot of preaching to me. Yuk.

  5. Marco Rubio-the man who never met an illegal alien he didn't love. Marco Rubio lied through his teeth to honest people who went to Tallahassee on their own money and time to try to get some form of immigration protection for legal American Citizens passed.He stabbed these people in the back. He made sure that all immigration reforms died before they could get to the floor of the legislature. No to "Gridlock Charlie" Crist and certainly no to Mr "I'll give free everything to any illegal who wants it " Rubio.

  6. I put this video up to show a side of Rubio--pandering to the Hispanic vote and throwing in religion to boot. I don't plan on voting for either one of them.

  7. Who else is running?

  8. I am told that the Democrats have Kendrick Meek and Dan Gelber...who are they?

  9. If some politician would just MAN-UP (Or WOMAN -UP, sorry ), they would win in a land slide !
