Thursday, June 25, 2009

LW High barely passes with a D

Comment up

A lot of you saw the article days ago ranking Lake Worth High School as a "D" school. Here is the latest article--
No wonder they want to do away with FCAT.
Article from June 19


  1. What do you expect when the city has so many immigrants whose first language is not English.

  2. Thanks for sending that, Lynn. Shocking.

  3. This is the 3rd time they have "tried" to take the school, as someone told me this morning. LW High is the oldest school in the County teaching a large majority of kids coming from the elementary and middle schools who have failed with English as their 2nd language or no English at all. They come from homes where the parents are not focused on the future of their kids but only on today. Illegal immigration is an expensive problem that our elected officials are unwilling to solve. Here in Lake Worth, they are encouraged to come here. You can see the consequences of this "open border" "No one is illegal" mentality.

  4. This is Cara's fault. the are teaching ESOL children and American English speaking kids are a minority at this school. Now the entire school has been dragged down. It is no wonder.

  5. I read your blog article on LWHS being rated a D school. A couple of the comments mentioned ESOL. What is ESOL?
    I am assuming "D" is bad, as in Dunce. Back in 50s when I went through LWHS, I always felt the school was a D school. That was before integration and immigration kicked in. I envied you up there in Maplewood.

