Sunday, June 28, 2009

“It’s not who’s right; it’s what’s right”

While glancing at the Funeral Notices this morning, the thought occurred to me that all of these people were special-- not only because they probably loved and supported their families, or they gave back to their community, or they fought in Iraq and Afghanistan fighting in five combat zones but just because each and everyone of them was unique in what they brought to this world. They all had their “what is right” and “what is wrong” lists for life.

We know that there is good and evil. Sometimes it is easy to discern because of the circumstances of the act itself. Someone commits a heinous crime, there are consequences; it is an evil act. In the case of Lake Worth, if good is what improves the community then evil is its opposite. For people to neglect their properties allowing them to go to blight, is bad for our city. A can of paint doesn't cost much.

To know the difference of good and evil can only be decided by your inner self, by wisdom and information…not by those who are feeding at the trough. Is it right to build 100’ in the air if the majority of people want lower height restrictions? Is it right that the CRA has decided what our city will look like and now has directed tax dollars in a direction undecided by residents here? Is it wise, as an example, to allow people to cross our borders and cause the legal citizens here untold problems even to the point of ruining the oldest high school in Palm Beach County? Is it right to believe that all people, regardless of their circumstances, deserve the best life possible in this world? Who is right? In the case of illegals, you must revert to the laws of our land.

One gentleman who just passed on was 83 years old wise. Under his photo today there was the quote entitled for this blog. This is the underlying premise that should be considered all of the time before we make judgment. Because someone has advocated for something different than yourself, should not put them on your Hate List to ridicule and harass until the end of time. It’s all about what is right…what is correct…what is just…what is legal…what is fair. As there are, more often than not, two sides to an issue, it is often about compromise--but it should always be about what is legal and what the legal residents of our city want. And if an opinion does not hurt anyone else, that person is entitled to it.

As we all try to work out and work through our problems in Lake Worth while gearing up for the forthcoming election, let’s take a moment to pause and reflect on what is right—not who said it, not the person who may not fit into your role of perfect or someone you may not want to invite to Sunday dinner—but what they said and what they believe to be right. Ponder the “what is right.” Do not base the future of our city on whether you will financially benefit as a developer, a Realtor, or the Chamber of Commerce. Do not base it on whether you don't personally like someone because they are different than yourself, are outspoken, flamboyant, take action or do not fit into your mold. Base your decision on what is smart for our city overall and the legal citizens that those decisions affect the most.

That would be the wise thing to do as not everything is black and white, good or evil, but for sure, it is not who is right but what is right.

1 comment:

  1. This is one of your better blogs Lynn. thanks. It is what is best for our city and not based on what monetarily we will get out of it but our quality of life.
