Wednesday, June 10, 2009

It's a Matter of Taste

The vote was 3 to 2 to buy our emergency water from West Palm Beach with one lone resident from the north end of the city still saying that West Palm Beach water was terrible. Personally, I only noticed one day last month where the water tasted different and from what we were told, they had chlorinated it.

For some reason, the Mayor continues to want to spend MORE money and buy from PB County as does Retha. This has always been a mystery to me.

Years ago, I preferred Pepsi to Coke until Pepsi decided it wanted to be more like Coca Cola and changed its recipe. Then Coke screwed up and changed but finally went back to Classic Coke. I haven't touched Pepsi for years unless forced to drink it because a restaurant just doesn't sell Coke. Pepsi is too sweet tasting for me. Brands of mayonnaise, as an example, all taste different. I find myself buying the same brand all of the time because of the taste. There are others who find no difference in any brand. We all have our own taste buds. We are luckily spoiled with the best tasting water of any city around.

Read what the Palm Beach Post has to say.

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