Monday, June 29, 2009

It really is "what's right"

Sid Dinerstein's Letter to the Editor

It's rare when I agree with Sid, Chairman of the Republican Party of Palm Beach County, but today he hit it on the money. This goes back to my message of yesterday: it is not the messenger but the message.

Sid talks about the over-paid government workers who are also protected by Unions that have caused our problems in today's climate. The County wants us to pay more taxes but they can't say "no" to the real cause. It reminds me of the Joan Oliva raise of last year of 10%. We were not against Joan. That never was the argument and the majority of the CRA did not understand that, for some unknown reason.

If the County wants to charge xx amount in taxes, and increase them by xx percentage, then every top County employee on the payroll should take that same percentage in a pay and benefit cut. That might be a start.

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