Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Florida Hometown Democracy is the ONLY way to save our State

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Until the middle of the last century (that makes it sound like a long time ago which it is not), we were the least populated state in the nation. Air conditioning opened up our state and we now have over 16 million residents. Immigrants found us because of the warm climate and beaches on all three borders. We have received over 3 million new residents in the past 10 years. We get over 60 million tourists per year. We have the highest percentage of elderly of any other State. They come here for the same reasons—great weather and a nice lifestyle.

Illegal immigrants have doubled in the past 10 years and it is predicted that water use will rise by 30% by 2020. The water source in central Florida will dry up in 5 years. We lose between 7.3 and 17 million gallons of water per day as more and more of our State is being paved over. We are losing the Everglades, losing trees and nature and losing the opportunity to use the soil as replenishment for groundwater.

Florida Hometown Democracy will give the voters the say on whether land uses are changed in their communities and whether or not we want our State to die a quick death. We need the vote because our legislators have done a terrible job for the citizens of Florida.

Next year, Vote YES 4 Florida by voting yes on Amendment 4.

P.S. And let’s build our own RO plant right now.


Or this?
It's up to you

1 comment:

  1. Lynn, you do tell it like it is, and that's why your blog is so popular.
    You're right on the money when you point to the need for Florida Hometown Democracy, now with the catchy title of "Amendment 4 for Florida," as the ONLY way left to stop the bulldozers we Floridians hear roaring all around us. We'll all benefit from stopping the truckloads of profits made from the ruination of our communities by the developers, who then leave us with the bills to pay and lower values for our houses.
    Yes, and you can tell that guy who is nutty enough to attack your excellent reasoning and coverage of issues that a.) we can tell he makes his living from the development industry, and b.) he can get off that seat, and . . .!
    John Q. Public
