Friday, June 19, 2009

Eyes Wide Shut

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Ryan Houck, Executive Director of Floridians for Smarter Growth (great title, doncha think?) a group that wants to build anywhere it desires in the State of Florida (move over turtles), does not want to be told by the residents that they don’t want urban sprawl. Oh no. Ryan doesn’t like that one bit.

Today he told the grassroots’ people all over our State to sleep with one eye opened because he and his bullies were coming after all of us who support Florida Hometown Democracy. Coming after the people! They don’t even like the fact that the Supreme Court ruled in Florida Hometown Democracy’s favor. Justice can’t even prevail with that guy. Another group, Associated BUILDERS (you notice I said BUILDERS) want to fight the Supreme Court's decision too.

Folks, builders do not want to lose their foothold in our State. They would rather destroy the Everglades first before that would happen. Anything for a buck.

Houck now says that he will use the same tactics as FHD. What are they? I would rather doubt that they will use the same tactics when his group, backed by the Florida Chamber of Commerce and every builder alive are waiting to come out of the woodwork to defeat the people's movement, Florida Hometown Democracy. His group consists of the very people who want to build over every square inch of Florida. Why? For money. "The hell with Florida" is their motto.

The people have had it with over building in our State. Ryan never says where we are going to get the water. He never mentions that it costs every one of us MORE money, the more that they build. Infrastructure costs alone are mind boggling. The environment is sacrificed for their greed. The other thing that they never mention, are the 49 other states in this country where they could go and leave our State in peace. We would be happy to give them all a one-way bus ride out of town.

Tired of being bullied, the voters will take him at the polls, all the while sleeping with eyes wide shut, knowing that constant changes to our local Comprehensive Plans in favor of bad development are not what we want for our communities.

Read the article.


  1. Where there's money to be made, we will always see these groups fighting to destroy Florida. Onward, FHD!!

  2. Go, Lynn! You teach by making us (at least us FHDers) smile! Loved your today's column. Ryan better start ducking.

  3. Does HOUCK rhyme with BUCK ? If it doesn't ,it SHOULD ! Poor Ryan- it must be tough to be against the people's right to vote ,all the while trying to make crooked politicians and their greedy money boys , the developers, look good.Florida- pave it or save it. It's now,thankfully,finally,going to be up to us . Katie Mcgiveron
