Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Developers say "Zero asbestos" at Tower 1515

Before Trident Development Group can build this, they have to demolish the original Tower 1515 than was torn apart during the hurricanes in 2004. Right now there is a big controversy regarding asbestos. When they demolish the building, will dangerous levels of cancer causing asbestos fly through the air spreading health risks to nearby residents, etc?

There have been a couple of tests on this asbestos. The Health Department found high levels of the dangerous material which would mean a big cost to the developer to remove it. The developer, on the other hand, did his own test showing ZERO asbestos. Now everyone is consulting with everyone to figure it all out.

Now folks, who would you believe? The Health department or the DEVELOPER? Do we need a third test here? Is this just another example of greed at its worst case scenario?

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