Wednesday, June 3, 2009

DCA Tom Pelham on SB 360

June 12 Virtual Forum with DCA Secretary Tom Pelham on Senate Bill 360

The Florida Department of Community Affairs will host an on-line event on June 12,
10:00 AMNoon on the subject of Senate Bill 360, which became law on June 1, 2009. The program will focus primarily on the provisions of SB 360 relating to transportation concurrency and how these provisions affect local governments.

The Secretary will present remarks and information about the new law, including DCA's interpretation and implementation plans. The floor will then be opened to questions from statewide participants. Questions may be submitted in advance of the event on-line or by email, through June 11. Questions may then be submitted live on-line. The event is free to the public and advance registration is encouraged but not required. Those who wish to listen in by phone rather than taking part on-line may do so as well. Speaker phones and cell phones are permitted.

To register for this timely event, go to:
There you also will find an on-demand replay of the Secretary’s May 21 virtual forum on planning and growth management. The registration link provides the opportunity to submit your questions early and to access information on the phone-in option. In addition, you will receive an automatic reminder by registering in advance. Mark your calendars and register now to be a part of this important event on legislation affecting
Florida communities.

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