Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Blogger blows hot air

Comment up
He seems to spend an incredible amount of time dissing everything I say even to the point of making stuff up...a compulsive obsession. All this hot air might just set his pc on fire. Whatever you do, don't stand behind him. If you recognize this blogger call Tall Tales Anonymous or his doctor so that eventually he can be allowed back into the world of rationale. And tell him to pull up his pants.


  1. I recognize the butt.

  2. What did the liar say, Lynn? I don't know of anyone who goes there other than Eliz Aravelo and company. Oh, someone said that she was going to run this election. Hear anything?

  3. Tell him to pick on me! I have no problem with hate mongers.


  4. And to think ,that some people were trying to blame global warming on cows ! Lynn, I think that you may have UNCOVERED the real culprit ! And ,just FYI, 2500sq ft of lawn provides enough air for a family of four to breath.Don't bad mouth the sod, baby ! Katie Mcgiveron

  5. To be honest and unbiased I must comment that I find it odd and somewhat bizarre to see the statements and illustrations that exist on your blog, written by yourself, Lynn, so clearly intended as insult toward Mr. Stafford. You cite his website, a website that, in general, reflects alternative opinion than that which you hold, as being filled with disregard for you, when in actuality it is the citizens that post ON his website that, on occasion,remark in an unfavorable fashion toward you.
    I am confident that Mr. Stafford does not endorse such comments on his website and I appreciative that he adheres to his values and does not censor the opinions of others, unless they cross the line of obscenity, decency or hatefulness - something that you apparently not only ALLOW on your blog - you actually promote it.
    With no hatred or disrespect toward you, personally, I am very surprised at your actions - Mr. Stafford is a fine, family oriented citizen of our Lake Worth.

  6. Good Lord, I need to bleach my eyes now.

    Lynn, in the future, please just say no to crack!


  7. Someone above states Stafford has nothing to do with remarks on his talk board or on his web site that he writes? This is what he is all about--hate. Whoever you are, and you didn't write your name to the post, you don't know what you're talking about. Betty

  8. I do go over there from time to time to see what these weirdos have to say and it is all really bad. To anonymous above if you are defending Jim Stafford and calling Lynn names, then you are just one of those hateful people over there probably writing the crap. Nothing is beyond you. I don't think that this blog should even pay attention to idiots.

  9. As a matter of fact, I couldn't post as anything other than anonymous on this site, I haven't got an account in Google domain or anything else acceptable here.
    I don't know WHY I'm writing this - Lynn will not post it, just like she didn't post my reply yesterday, after which she claimed I said things that I didn't.

  10. I just posted the comment above although I can't for the life me know why. This is an extremely hostile person and I say to you, you don't like me; you don't like my blog--DO NOT COME HERE. Easy solution to all your pain. And if you don't like the choices of the Google software, write Google. This does not prevent you from writing your name after your post, now does it? You still want to stay in the dark and be the little coward you are and pretend that it is all someone else's fault for your hostility as well as your misperceptions.
