Saturday, June 27, 2009

Answer to Wes on Sunset

I speak for myself on ALL issues. This is my opinion; this is my commentary and it is all based on facts pertaining to Sunset. This is not "hyperbole" as Mr. Blackman would like to suggest. There is absolutely NO exaggeration here. The "other side" always likes to imply that you are a lying SOB when you don't agree with their point of view.

Mr. Blackman was the head of the Planning & Zoning that voted against Sunset. Now he does have a friend who lives in that neighborhood who goes along with anything Mr. Blackman professes. It is nice to be loyal to your friends but it is not nice to be disloyal to your entire neighborhood. That is ALSO opinion.

Planning & Zoning is not God here in Lake Worth although at times you would not know it. It has been allowed to get away with unbelievable variances and waivers and even demolishing historic properties. It continues to allow the owner of the Gulfstream Hotel to hold up, indefinitely, the opening of the hotel which could have been opened nearly four years ago, the day the property changed hands.

Hopefully on Monday night, all that will be changed when the new Commission has the opportunity to appoint new members to that Board. Also, I want to mention that Phil Spinelli originally voted with the residents of Lake Osborne Heights when the issue came before P&Z years back. I also want to mention that our Mayor, Jeff Clemens, has said publicly that this Sunset project does not belong in that neighborhood. The entire present Commission has agreed. That is NO hyperbole!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds good to me!!!! Screw this bas***d!

