Saturday, June 13, 2009

ACORN, the new mob of the Democratic Party?

Is ACORN now the new mob for the Democratic Party?

Protestors became vile nearly knocking down a Senator and even spitting on his chief of staff in Albany, New York. Why? Two Democrats were aligning themselves with Republicans and ACORN was protesting the coalition. The result would have meant the transfer of power from the Dems to the Reps. Now the Democrats have shut down the chamber to prevent this from happening.

In the meantime a state senator in Pennsylvania is asking the attorney general to investigate ACORN for voter registration fraud.

More and more angry minority groups are attempting to push the majority out of the way using any means possible. We see it here with a very small riled group playing attack politics on a message board.

Watch for ACORN soon in a city by the sea and expect more provoked and infuriated tirades from a few as our local election progresses.

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