Friday, May 29, 2009

Where have all the Nuts gone?

Squirrel eating nut on Lake Osborne

I was reading an article from a guy who lives in northern Wisconsin and he was wondering where all the acorns have gone. He just hasn’t seen that many lately and researchers are apparently baffled over the recent crop of acorns--they are down or just plain disappearing in certain areas of the country. We know what happened out here on Lake Osborne Drive. The hurricanes of 2004 blew down all of our magnificent Oak trees and what was not destroyed by Mother Nature, the County did the rest but eventually replaced our trees out here with puny little sticks.

It got me to thinking about ACORN, the group that you see usually around election time here in Lake Worth, that likes to get in your face when you don’t agree with the candidate they are supporting. The ACLU loves this group so right away it gets my interest. The only thing that they don’t do is steal campaign signs. They leave that up to the pros in College Park. They protest everything even doing sit-ins at houses set for foreclosure defending the deadbeat who got into the bad, ill-conceived mortgage. You know the one--the guy who makes $20,000 a year and buys a $500,000 house. (Mark Bates used that analogy the other night and I thought he had hacked my draft.) This is a group that actually pressured banks to make these mortgages for these deadbeats and you and I are paying dearly for their radical intervention.

You do recall the Rene Varela, (candidate for District 4 Commission seat) incident of last year where the leader of ACORN here threatened him by calling his residence several times saying, “We will bury you” and he did—at the polls. He had his little followers all over this city like ants on honey, bad-mouthing all the way through to election day. Sickening stuff.

Bertha Lewis, the president of ACORN, keeps shouting stuff like racial profiling and telling everyone who will listen that it is some horrible conspiracy out to get her group--that it's all a big lie. They train their people to call everyone who disagrees with them, "racist." ACORN likes to tell the media, that we are all racist scum who are in some sort of a conspiracy to block the vote of the minority. We see that same mentality right here in our own city when you take a stand against illegal aliens, as an example. ACORN turns it all around and plays the race card...they want to blow you away for being whatever they come up with for that given day to help make their pathetic case. Everything you utter is turned around to that one crazy, nutty thought--racist. Really a bunch of cracked nuts.

It is a group to be reckoned with. President Obama’s campaign gave $800,000 to ACORN to help with voter registration that turned out to be highly questionable even with dead people on the lists. Obama owes them, I guess, as Acorn and similar groups that are off the wall will be eligible for $3 billion in federal funding from Obama’s stimulus. It is reported that ACORN's members have gone ecstatically wild over Obama's nomination of Sotomayor, a minority in their eyes, to the Supreme Court. (Who is playing the race card now?) Also, the Department of Housing and Urban Development has set aside $5.5 billion in grants. It was announced late last year that RICO is investigating them in ten states, and charges of embezzlement, wire fraud, extortion and campaign finance violations have been mentioned.

ACORN will be one group that will be allowed to be involved in the 2010 census taking. Any anti-immigration group will be refused along with law enforcement groups and what the government considers "hate" groups. Apparently they are not on the "extremist" list from the Department of Homeland Security and not considered a threat. It is only the far right groups that the present government considers extreme.

Hopefully, ACORN, the leftist group, will disappear into the sunset of history and be forgotten as just another radical, left-wing group that was eventually stopped by the law. Our entire system, based on free and fair elections, will be better for it--but more than likely you will see these little nuts back in Lake Worth later this year.

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