Monday, May 4, 2009

"Stupidity has a Knack of getting its Way"

It was back during the last general election that I started to get big doubts about the Democratic Party in general. The doubts stemmed from some of the people in it and some of the decisions made. I haven’t changed my mind yet, unlike the writer in today’s paper who does not want to focus on Obama’s 100 days but rather look at the “big picture” (sounds like former Commissioner Burns) and says talk to him in 1,000 days as our debt increases by over $3 mil a second.

The party abandoned Hillary Clinton. The most qualified and the most deserved candidate of the Party who was literally pushed aside for Barack Obama. Her own Party did her in. The Party fell for the great orator, the beautiful smile and the fresh new look.

I have talked before about the local Democratic Club and won’t go into it again. Mark Alan Siegel, the new Chair of the PB County Democratic Party, had given this Club his opinion and they did not listen. Now the Party is in the paper regarding the Jefferson-Jackson Dinner, one of the Party’s major fund raisers. The name, that has been around longer than I can remember, is being changed by the PB County Democratic Party to Truman-Kennedy-Johnson dinner. This has always been called Jefferson-Jackson in honor of our 3d and 7th Presidents of the United States. If the Party is doing this because of slavery from 2 ½ centuries ago, then it is more stupid than I ever could have imagined.

“Thomas Jefferson was one of the principal authors of the Declaration of Independence and one of the most influential Founding Fathers for his promotion of the ideals of republicanism in the United States.” Andrew Jackson was one of the main people who shaped the Democratic Party and a hero in his time.

I posted a new Quote today and although not a Jefferson quotation, it sounds like something he might have said.