Thursday, May 28, 2009

Single Payer Health Care to be discussed at PB County Commission

In a recent study by Harvard University, it was found that the high cost of medical bills are a leading cause of personal bankruptcy in this country. As bankruptcy affects all people in America, all those who filed for bankruptcy were employed prior to becoming ill. Don't lose your job in this country because Cobra is very expensive and more people than not, cannot afford the high cost of medical insurance.

On Tuesday, June 2, the Palm Beach County Commission will consider and discuss a revised resolution to endorse a universal health care system. Floridians For Health Care will be there to support its case for a single payer system and urges everyone to attend this important commission meeting.

The resolution will take place somewhere between 10am and Noon. It is 2nd on the Regular agenda so it is advisable to be at the commission chamber no later than 10am. Fill out a comment card if you wish to speak.

They say that Single Payer Health Care will help those in need from filing bankruptcy for medical costs but come to this important meeting and listen to all of the reasons for supporting Single Payer Health Care and make up your own mind.

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