Thursday, May 14, 2009

Lake Worth High School Alumnus writes Book

The Golden Years…The Florida Legislature, 70’s and 80’s

The author is Robert W. McKnight. A lot of you out there will remember Bob, graduate of Lake Worth High School Class of 1962.

Any of you who were around back then, Bob’s parents owned the Kiddie Fair, a store that catered to children's needs located on Lake Avenue. Besides being educated locally, Bob went on to college at Florida Southern and got his Master’s Degree from Florida State. His book is about his political experiences while he was in the Florida House of Representatives and the Florida Senate.

Who knows, you might read about someone you know personally but you will definitely read about people you know who have had an influence on Florida! Bob admits that he had a little fear from time to time, especially when he voted differently than the Senate President, Dempsey Barron, and when Barron told Governor Askew at the time, "Stay the hell out of my Senate." Barron had a plaque on his desk that read, "Assume Nothing" and Bob always considered that message during his government service.

What I personally found interesting was when he described lobbyists as "a critical source of information regarding proposed legislation" and further states that lobbyists are the forth branch of the government and to treat them with respect even if they are painted in a negative light at times. There is a lot of give and take being a politician and getting laws passed and Bob talks about many incidents during his public service and equating the process to "making a sausage."

We have a very strong Alumni foundation at Lake Worth High School whose members are always trying to raise funds for future graduates so that they can aid them in continuance of their education. Bob is offering to discount his book by 25%, pay the shipping and mailing, pay a royalty fee of $5 a book to the LWHS Alumni Foundation AND he will personally sign the book. Here is your chance to read something special and support the Alumni Foundation at the same time with this very generous offer.

If you want to read about interesting times during Florida's Golden Years, go to his web site, The Golden Years, and find out how you can order this book that has been reviewed and praised by most media groups. PBS is in the planning stages of a documentary based on Bob's book, so look for that in the future!

Bob's message to all of you, "GO TROJANS!"


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