Thursday, May 28, 2009

Judge Sonia Sotomayor

Mike Rios, president of the Puerto Rican-USA/Democratic Hispanic Club said, “You also have to look at how the Republicans turned off so many Latin voters in recent years by the position they took on the immigration issue,” and further said that “if they (Senate) go after this Latin woman (Sonia Sotomayor) , it could backfire on them.” I found his remark to be ridiculous.

The Media as well as the Democrats planted the seed that "race" might come into play. Now the Republicans are taking the hook. Will people EVER grow up here?

Now I don’t mind anyone having pride in someone's success who happens to be of the same sex, race or from the same country their families immigrated from, or even having pride in someone for rising from poverty and becoming an inspiration to all. I root for the Miami Dolphins because I have pride in Florida and they are the closest team to Lake Worth. It is just a normal reaction to have this feeling toward someone for whom you feel a connection. That’s what America is all about and it is equal opportunity to succeed. It should have nothing to do with race or gender. The only racial remarks and hate spewed during the Obama campaign were from the President's own Reverend Wright.

What does Mr. Rios mean when he cites the Republican Party’s stand on immigration? He is not very clear about that at all. Both parties, Republicans and Democrats, are for legal immigration to this country and oppose illegal immigration. Does he really believe that the Senate will give Ms. Sotomayor a hard time because she is Hispanic and most of the illegals migrating here are also?

We already know that she is of fine character. She will be judged on her judiciousness. Since 1789, only 30 of the 144 nominees sent to the Senate for confirmation have been rejected. Sonia Sotomayor will become, after 18 years on the Federal bench, the next Supreme Court Justice of the United States, making us ALL proud because she deserves the job and is the best--nothing more, nothing less.

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