Sunday, May 31, 2009

Hand holding with Illegals

Protesting immigration police in Greeley

We have a lot of illegal immigrants crying the blues in Greeley, Colorado. Why? They were caught when a prosecutor seized some tax preparations, thousands of them. The ACLU, of course, got involved and two judges say that the seizure was improper. Why? No probable cause.

These are ILLEGAL aliens.

After going through these records it was proved that these illegals had false social security numbers, many of which were stolen. The IRS issues TIN numbers to people without Social Security numbers. So the illegals use false social security numbers to work and use the TIN to file taxes. Where do they learn to circumvent the system? Naw, it can’t be the ACLU or places like The Mentoring Center, can it?

Now here’s the caveat-- undocumented workers can be considered identity thieves only if authorities prove they knew they were using someone else's Social Security number.

Not only did these people cross our borders illegally, which is criminal in itself, but they are using stolen identity, free legal assistance and getting mentored through their illegal activity. Now how much hand holding do we have to put up with here?

1 comment:

  1. While I agree that Illegal Immigrants are a problem;

    It appears that District Attorney Ken Buck is running afoul of a little thing called The Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution.

    Two judges have agreed, ruling that he had no probable cause to seize the records.

    Buck is appealing.

    It sort of reminds me of the abuse of Constitutional rights that occurred under the Patriot Act.
