Sunday, May 17, 2009

Good always wins out

Laurence McNamara

A Letter to the Editor in the Palm Beach Daily News gives McNamara credit for his positive influence on Lake Worth, disputing Elizabeth Arevalo's earlier letter to the editor which was nothing more than a personal attack from the opposing political camp on one of Lake Worth's finest citizens.

Not only has McNamara done all that this letter says, every year he and his wife host an Independence Day celebration and give free food and drink to all who wish to attend. The cook-out is held at Old Bridge Park on July 4th. Friends help them by serving and cooking the food, such as Walter Baker. They have literally fed thousands over the years at their expense but also at their pleasure.

Laurence McNamara is a true humanitarian who believes in justice, fair play and the American way. He is all about giving back to the city where he lives.

Read the article CLICK HERE

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