Thursday, May 21, 2009

Florida Hometown Democracy keeps gathering support

Secretary Tom Pelham of the DCA said today that the requests for new developments from 10,000 to 100,000 new homes each seem to be in anticipation of the proposed Florida Hometown Democracy amendment to the state constitution. Just what we don't need--more development and more empty units for sale in our State and more impact on our resources. Haven't developers ruined enough in the State of Florida? Read Bruce Ritchie's BLOG and learn more.

Here's a guy who SWITCHED ALLEGIENCE He now supports Florida Hometown Democracy.

This Bill will encourage development in dense, overgrown areas too. Even our own Karen Marcus wants the Governor to veto SB 360 in fear that it will overburden the taxpayers of Florida. Developers will get a free ride on transportation issues and the hands of local officials will be tied.

Everyone contact Gov Crist and tell him to veto this bill. Executive Office of the Governor Switchboard: (850) 488-7146. We can't find out if he signed this Bill today or not. If he did, he might just as well forget being Senator.

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