Thursday, May 21, 2009

Eco Centre

Eco Centre
nearly one year later

Read the article--

Romano’s Eco-Centre

Directly across the rail road tracks that symbolically divide the city in many ways from the “haves” and the”have nots,” is John Romano’s Eco Centre which was born nearly one year ago.

Lake Worth is lucky to have one of the most unusual and efficient office buildings along with trees growing on its roof! Every time I drive down Lake Avenue, without fail, I glance up at the roof just to see if they’ve grown a little bit taller.

With 82 environmental features, Mr. Romano designed his four story, 33,000 sq. foot building with the idea of a healthy and tranquil working environment, not to mention saving on our precious water resource. The building has its own waste water treatment system, saving about 200,000 gallons a year from being totally wasted away and rain water is collected on the roof for toilet flush.

Now let’s get this economy turned around so that everyone can rent in the best building anywhere.


  1. Do you know if the building roof is open to the public or if tours are given to show the enviromental features?

  2. I don't have the answer to that but perhaps Mr. Romano will read this and let us know. I would love to see the building.
