Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Coakley's response to Stanton interview in the New-Broward Times

To read original article, CLICK HERE

William Coakley says:

Unfortunately, as reporters often do, this is the worst of reporting I've yet seen.

Instead of publishing the truth you just reported what one person said without checking one single fact, without any background on Lake Worth utilities.

If you were interested in the Truth, why didn't you at least call me instead of letting a new city manager twist you around her thumb? My articles are accurate and I stand by every word.

Andres Reyes was re-hired primarily because published an investigation which uncovered among many other things, the fact that in a hasty attempt to fire Mr Reyes because he indentified a $50,000 scam staff blatently violated their own rules. Then when they discovered their error they offered him $15,000 to shut him up.

The utility has a long history of wasting taxpayer's money. And because of the injustice done to Mr Reyes and 4 out of 5 commissioners wanted him reinstated, the new city manager was forced to hire him back AFTER he had been forced to resign.

And it doesn't say much for the new city manager that to satisfy the staff mob... rather than get to the bottom of what's going on... she re-hired Reyes only if he consented to disciplinary action for something he did right.

So get your facts straight before printing a one sided op/ed and go after the truth. It better serves the community.

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