Friday, May 22, 2009

Coakley responds to Stafford cabal

We've already seen pics of the "cabal" which shows Stafford and his 4 cabal inmates ...a loving community indeed. Notice that whether its water, electric or Greater Bay... the cabal always prefers supporting the carpet baggers who periodically attempt to loot our city like Greater Bay's Willard.

And why is it that when the city is really threatened with losing millions... they say absolutely nothing or just look the other way? Now they're telling the public... THEY can identify who the bad people are? It's just another pathetic and feeble effort to get public attention drawn to their dying breed. They have no issues other than to react to ours, they have no platform other than to react to ours, they have no mission other than to undo ours, and they have no credibility other than to ride on ours if they can get us to react.

Their own behavior defines them as "corruption itself" because without their support, corruption couldn't flourish as well as it does in our city. As long as they continue supporting the wasters and carpetbaggers, they will fail most miserably in their evil mission.

William Coakley

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