Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Citizen tells off the Governor

Dear Governor:

Yesterday I wrote you a highly complementary letter. I mentioned that I had been a staunch Republican 40 years, even to the point of being a member of the Republican Executive Committee of Seminole County. I did not and do not like any of the Bushes' so I've been a wanderer. I was thinking yesterday with you as leader, perhaps I might return to the party and work in your behalf because you had demonstrated intelligence superior to your predecessor as far as conservation and preservation are concerned.

I'm glad I did not send that letter yesterday because I learned this morning that you had appointed another FOX to watch the "HENHOUSE'" at the water management district in Palatka. It is a terrible shame if you are playing politics with something as important as our water supply. Continuing to appoint subjective pro-growth participants but no environmentalists to sensitive leadership positions is indicative of a lack of understanding of the dire circumstances we will face when there will be too little food and water, too few forests and wetlands and no wildlife habitat for future citizens.

The value of nature and natural systems to life on this planet is so high it cannot be determined economically. To replace it with the asphalt and concrete of sprawl is idiocy.

Gordon Williamson

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