Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Mayor Kintz's justification on supporting the Atlanta Braves in John Prince Park

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Atlantis publishes a monthly Newsletter.  In the June/July 2016 newsletter, the following is an excerpt by Mayor David Kintz that pertains to the resolution their council passed in support of the Atlanta Braves.
The council voted 4-1 supporting the concept of an Atlanta Braves Spring Training Facility in South Central Palm Beach County. There was a good deal of discussion from Council and comments from our residents prior to voting on this resolution. Since then, a few residents who didn't understand why we brought this resolution forward wanted to know why we supported the idea of a sports facility in our area. Central Palm Beach County has been, in my opinion, neglected by the County for many years.

The County has spent incredible amounts of money and re-sources supporting many projects in the north and south areas of the county: Roger Dean Stadium, the new Nationals/Astros facility and Scripps to name a few. These projects have brought many great things to the local areas surrounding them. Furthermore, the County will not be interested in negotiating with the Atlanta Braves if the local cities are not in support of a facility of this caliber. This is why we passed Resolution 16-08 to offer our support for the concept of the facility. Lake Worth, Greenacres and Lantana all have passed similar resolutions.

The Atlanta Braves will be designing an extensive economic study of just how their new facility will have a positive impact on the local areas, and will present this to the County Commission in the near future. Once we have a chance to review all of the proposals, we will be in a position to either support a solid plan that benefits Central Palm Beach County or not, if the plan doesn’t make sense.


Anonymous said...

Here's more double speak right off the bat so to speak: "South Central Palm Beach County", not saying right out "John Prince Park."

And the Braves are doing research to show how we are getting a benefit from this?? With bs like this you could probably choke even more waterways with toxic sludge.

John Prince Park is land deeded as a park, not a freeby given away to billionaires by slimy politicians who are all too ready to stick us with another $110-250 MILLION dollar bill. And collect the finders fee. The same year curiously they are in dire need of a 17% tax increase, a new Lake Worth bond, and a 1% increase as well for fire dept.

Weetha Peebull said...

"local cities are not in support"

Cities ARE PEOPLE the reps, represent!
If you don't ask the people then how could
you possible know they want this? Crystal Ball?
The CITIES DO NOT Support it - you the reps on
power steroids DO! Let's get the words
straight - this from Atlantis is a reps
word salad and needs to be tossed down
the Garbage Disposal!

Anonymous said...

I support putting a Spring Training Baseball Stadium in the middle of the Atlantis gated community. My friends support this too and we voted unanimously for it. If and when an economic study is completed it too will support my position.

Anonymous said...

"Central Palm Beach County has been, in my opinion, neglected by the County for many years."
John Prince Park an incredibly beautiful place is Kintz's idea of "neglect"???? Atlantis DID NOT TALK TO THEIR citizens!!! They talked to Scott Maxwell and then voted on their resolution with NO Economic studies!!!!
No representation ,just RULING !!!!

Anonymous said...

I agree with anon at 12:18! There will be plenty of room in Atlantis for the stadium if they just build on the golf coarse! And the property values will rise in Atlantis because all of the home owners can turn their homes into overnight and short term rentals !

Lynn Anderson said...

Hey, it's not the residents of Atlantis' fault--it is their elected officials who voted for this resolution on a 4/1 vote.

Anonymous said...

We vote for the elected officials we hope will carry out our interests, so yes this falls on the shoulders of the residents.

Anonymous said...

The residents can not be held accountable here. No reasonable person would even imagine this scenario of their representatives saying "full steam ahead! Destroy John Prince Park"!Having said that ,now they know what kind of morons they are dealing with. Hopefully all of them will get kicked out of office in the next election. If they don't, THEN you can blame the people of Atlantis!

Anonymous said...

I have never seen any study that proves any economic benefit from a stadium aside from the billionaire clubs who get it for free. The cities can and have ended up bankrupt going for these little boy baseball dreams. Why do all the reps support it?? How about a million dollar finders fee at a minimum. This profiteering from public office pure and simple. And yes, they curiously often enter town commensurate with a 1 cent tax increase.

Anonymous said...

Newly elected Laurie Drake Melear voted against this in the City of Altnatis. Her Great Grandfather was one of the first Mayors of Lake Worth. She is very intelligent and will make a good Commissioners as she does much research. Hopefully the other commissioners will start doing the same before they follow their leader.
The park is a beautiful place to visit and enjoy the pleasant surroundings with quiet and peaceful atmosphere. This will be changed
having a base ball stadium with all the noise and traffic.