Sunday, August 16, 2015

Quote of the Day - Retha Lowe on Lake Worth Crime

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“I feel safer now than when I first came here. We don’t even lock our doors when we go to sleep.”

~ Retha Lowe
former City of Lake Worth Commissioner

Right.  We really believe that one, Mrs. Lowe, just like we believe in that silly football that you were always talking about when it came to our beach redevelopment.  We have so much crime in this city that it isn't funny.  And what's pathetic is that the city is now trying to camouflage the stats. They never talk about it as they are so afraid that the real word will get out and then NO one will come here to invest or buy.

What I would like to see is an investigative report obtaining all those statistics from the PBSO that were not given to us as well as all the rest of the crimes that were not mentioned that actually escalated in our little city. What about both sides of the story. The Post writer states: "For years, this eccentric beach town has been battling the perception it’s only filled with blight and crime and nothing else."  That is far from the truth. The city is good at addressing all the nice things and amenities that we have here and in fact want to use tax dollars to hire a marketing person to do that very thing..

Sorry to inform you, but we have tons of crime in our city.  It is not a perception that we are fighting but rather a reality and the city commission and administration that have their heads in the sand.

Read the post article.


Anonymous said...

All you home invaders and criminals, check out Retha Lowe's house. She probably doesn't have a gun either as she is a liberal or she can just call up Scott Maxwell who will take care of her problem.

Lynn Anderson said...

There is crime All over and what's really egregious is the city manager re-inventing the wheel of truth.

Anonymous said...

Every week I read about the crime in LW in the LWHerald. It is twice or three times or even five time that of Lantana, Greenacres or Palm Springs. I guess the Herald forgot to tell the mayor or the CM.

Anonymous said...

Leaders deal with problems. They don't just pretend they don't exist. We need real leadership in this city if we are to move forward.

Anonymous said...

This administration is lead by Bornstein convincing the commission into accepting his lies. Take the bond issue, cutting down the ficus at the Cultural Plaza, and our pool being a white elephant. Now they want to hire a PR firm to cover up the lies. Hope Retha has a gun by her bedside or she might have to protect herself with one of those deflated footballs of Brady's.

Anonymous said...

Work for these people once as they are everything you say they are and more.

Anonymous said...

When the new Commission takes over , I will require the sheriffs office to give a crime report at the beginning of each commission meeting. Sign me "anonymous person who will be running for Commissioner in the next election "

Anonymous said...

For all you Lake Worth area robbers, there is a house at **** 12th Avenue South in Lake Worth where the doors are open after dark.
I really should post this on Wes Blackman's blog because only honest and wonderful people read THIS blog!

Anonymous said...

Anon at 6:03 shame on you. No matter what you don't agree on, you never wish harm on someone. Please Lynn stop this madness.

Lynn Anderson said...

You know who should stop the madness, you and the horse you rode in on...covering up and lying about the vast amount of crime in our city all for politics. What a joke. You were probably referring to the comment at 6:31 and I took it as someone just poking some fun at Retha for making a damn dumb unbelievable statement.

Anonymous said...

I hate that crime out west is often described as happening in Lake Worth. I'm in favor of renaming our town to the City of Lake Worth Beach. But, we DO have crime in our city. Frankly, it actually seems worse in many ways. While murders are downish (if you look at the charts on Wes' blogs, you can actually see that the crime numbers have started to go back up in many areas, including murder rates. But what could be described as nuisance thefts, I think its much worse than nuisance, like car break ins, aggressive panhandling, metal thefts, thefts of anything that not nailed down, bike thefts, etc. all seem up to me. I don't base this on charts, but simply based on my own experiences, based on my neighbor's experiences and emails from my N.A.

Lynn Anderson said...

The Post is getting better at that but still not perfect. Whenever I see a crime reported and it has the name of the perp, I look him up under PBSO bookings to be sure. The other blogger likes to slant his story to the politics here.

As far as changing the name of our city, you would want to do that after our city has been Lake Worth for over 100 years? Really? You would have a backlash of people who would object who believe in our history and who believe that the post office needs to correct the names out in the county so that confusion does not occur. We are the city of Lake Worth and it should stay that way. Can you even imagine the nightmare of legalities this would open up? I cherish our history and do not feel that we should change anything just because some stupid people get it confused with Boynton Beach, Greenacres, Palm springs, etc.