Sunday, May 17, 2015

Common Ground Church is not boring

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Maybe Christianity is dying in America because it's boring everyone to death--what do you think?

This author talks about a church service he attended somewhere and says, "The light of the Faith grows dimmer in this culture because of that church service I attended. Not specifically that one, but that kind of service. And not just that kind of service, but that kind of Christianity, generally. The lame and bored kind. The flavorless, tame brand."
Read about it...

I gave up attending formal church decades ago but not my religious beliefs. Then Common Ground came to Lake Worth where I occasionally attend. Come on down to the Common Ground Church in Lake Worth for its 10am service--it is totally different than any church service you will ever experience--even the songs are different and it's never boring...guaranteed.


No doubts said...

Religion is a very personal thing. There are a lot of people who do not go to church at all, yet are very good people, live upright lives and give a lot to charities and always do the right thing. You do not need to be religious or a certain religion to be good. Too, some like and feel good about being Catholic or whatever religion they are. Boring? It is only up to the person, some have to find what feels right to them. Some never find anything. Some go to church yet when they leave are flipping you off. Some have deep faith and never need to question anything, trusting completely in God our Source. Found what works for you. It would just be nice to see more families trying to bring their families and kids up with some beliefs. Their is too much EGO today too much me me me. Dr. Wayne Dyer says EGO stands for edging God out, this is one thing that would be nice to see more families being God centered. We already have too many fanatical Muslim and Evangelical extremist causing too many problems in our world today.

Lynn Anderson said...

How are the Evangelicals causing problems in our world?

Anonymous said...

What about the KKK?

Anonymous said...

Wes(s) and Mark, all those prayers haven't kicked in for ya yet.