Wednesday, February 11, 2015


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Well, haste can make waste and in this case it did. Wouldn't you think that the vice mayor would get the date correct in his invitation? Wouldn't you think that the candidate would have had some oversight on this? If you can't get a simple detail like this correct, should you really be involved in $20 to $25 or $63.5 million money grabs?


Lynn Anderson said...

Scott Maxwell's reply to me--

From: Scott Maxwell []
Sent: Wednesday, February 11, 2015 11:38 AM
To:; 'Serge Jerome Jr'
Cc: 'Greg Rice'


Sent on the new Sprint Network from my Samsung Galaxy S®4.


Anonymous said...

Good to see that Maxwell is finally admitting that he's "STILL CLUELESS" !!!

Clearly the invitation is wrong, either the event was on Feb 10 (Tuesday) or it will be on Thursday (Feb 12). Whatever...

COMMISSIONER McVOY is the one to support. Clearly he's the most dedicated, hard working, open-minded and thick-skinned person currently in office in LW.

The verbal abuse this twice- elected official takes on the dais from Madam Chair & her Gang of 3 would be unbelievable --if it weren't captured on video.

It's also clear that out-of-sunshine communication is the norm these days (between the City Manager & Commission) but Comm McVoy is left out of those private political conversations. In the long run, that could pay off for him, if this un-ethical (criminal?) behavior should be investigated in LW the way it has elsewhere in PB County.

McVOY's strong ethics cannot be denied. His willingness to listen to everyone is well documented. He represents voters & non-voting residents alike. He listens to everyone, not just supporters. That puts him in a category far above anyone else currently in office in Lake Worth.

Remember, most of the current commission were not "elected" by the people of Lake Worth, they were put into office "unopposed." (Due to voter apathy & the fact that potential candidates are not willing to put up with the BS & ugly politics that exist in the current City Hall administration.)

VOTE McVOY on March 10.

Mike Callahan said...

And remember Pam Lopez does her best to discourage any potential rivals of this Commission gang each of whom wanted to get their hands on $800,000. to spend at their own discretion in their districts. A recipe for kickbacks if their ever was one.

Anonymous said...

that should be one of your quotes of the day when the mayor said, I don't know why residents don't trust us.

Anonymous said...

I happen to subscribe to the opinion that they ended up unopposed because most people think they are on the right track. I know that's how I feel.

McVoy is the outlier. Yes, he listens to everyone. I agree with him on some issues but he has his marching orders from his own "gang". He stated it at the SPPNA forum, he has a very different vision of what Lake Worth should become. Problem is it was tried before and we are still hurting from that majority when Maxwell was on the losing side of 4 to 1 votes.

Lynn Anderson said...

He has NO marching orders. This dais has been incredibly rude to him. Thank God someone up there listens to the people.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and the commission was polite to Maxwell when he was in the minority?

Give me a break. Shoe's just on the other foot now.

Lynn Anderson said...

Actually they WERE polite to Maxwell. They just didn't vote his way as they did not agree with his point of view.

The shoe is on the other foot but this commission are bullies to the first order even treating the public like reprobates.

Anonymous said...

What's SPPNA forum? What's his different vision? Keep our city downtown from getting higher. Honoring the vote of the people? No new taxes? What?

Anonymous said...

It's 'oops', not "ooops". Lol.

Lynn Anderson said...

I like drama