Tuesday, November 25, 2014

The Punks ruled Ferguson last night

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Do you ever feel like the bad guys are winning? Although there were 29 reported arrests last night, not nearly enough for the amount of crime in Ferguson. If you weren't black, you were in trouble being anywhere close to the "protests."

The punks were out in full force--looting, breaking windows with baseball bats, throwing rocks and injuring people, guns fired and one man reported hit, using the F word and going so far as to give a peace sign and then setting a police car on fire--25 stores were burned down. This was all pre-planned by criminals, bullies, thugs and punks after the Grand Jury's verdict of no probable cause to indict officer Darren Wilson.

The President gave a speech after the verdict, the very one responsible for much of the insurrection. It was he who sent Eric Holder out there to begin with that fueled the flame. Holder had demanded a sweeping civil rights investigation.  Other elected officials, Obama supporters, openly declared Officer Wilson guilty. Obama urged peaceful protests but there is no justification for this reaction by the mobs--it is not understandable and all this does is evoke more violence.

These criminals, using the excuse of racial prejudice, were "ready for war" and even though Ferguson was prepared, the destruction and violence could not be stopped. Reprehensible miscreants always cry racial prejudice after they commit a crime when a police officer is doing his job. It happened in Ferguson,  Read more... and see the photos.


Anonymous said...

"Do you ever feel like the bad guys are winning?"

Huh? Justice was served last night. Thugs were arrested. We won. How are bad guys winning?

What are you talking about?

Lynn Anderson said...

Can you read past one thought? I was talking about the criminals burning down Ferguson...hundreds of them and 20 something got arrested. I was talking about our government inciting this riot. BAD GUYS. Irresponsible people--all of them. Get it yet?
Let's wait and see if any of these thugs spend one day in jail. I mean, afterall, it is racial prejudice, right? :)

Anonymous said...

You are out if your element speaking about events not related to Lake Worth. Stick to the small town politics.

Lynn Anderson said...

One of the biggest problems in this country is that people are apathetic. They do not understand things that unfold right in front of their eyes. We all need to get involved and have opinions. You are entitled to yours although it is small thinking. I get it--You are one of those Democrats who can't stand criticism and want to silence the voice of reason.

Anonymous said...

To answer your question, no, I don't feel like the bad guys are winning. The justice system worked and it exonerated an innocent man. If Wilson would have been indicted then, yes, I might say that the bad guys are winning.

The bad guys are losing as they are handcuffed and hauled off to jail. The bad guys are losing because they're putting their own businesses out of business and they don't even realize it. The bad guys are losing because they'll have to buy their Thanksgiving dinners miles away because nothing is open today and tomorrow.

I don't even like Obama and for the life of me I can't connect Obama to Ferguson or the "winning bad guys."

Folks, remember when we all accused Dems of having Bush Derangement Syndrome because they blamed Bush for everything? Yeah, well, some of us got OBS and it's, quite honestly, embarrassing.

Let's elevate ourselves a little, people. This kind of stuff gives the other side ammo to call us wackos.

Anonymous said...

Actually, BO would make a very interesting psych study. Mothers and sons do have a significant connection. BO was raised in a culture hostile to whites and Americans.The very system that he wants to tear apart is responsible for making him President. Could this guy be conflicted? Just a little ?

Anonymous said...

anony at 8:08, ask yourself, where was the national guard? Did these elected officials want this riot? Did they want this to happen to further their f-uped and warped agenda?