Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Obama is creating jobs for Illegals

According to a letter I received from NumbersUSA,  Pres. Obama is producing some jobs -- for illegal aliens! It's been in all the news reports. "The administration announced last Thursday a new executive amnesty that will allow illegal aliens to join the military and eventually receive U.S. citizenship.

There's a law that specifically prohibits illegal aliens from joining the military. But the Pentagon plans to use a loophole allowing him to recruit them anyway when it is vital to the national interest . . . even while Americans who want to serve their own country are being rejected because there's no room for them in the service.

The bitter irony here is that while the administration gears up to add 1,500 illegal aliens to the military, it's just LAID OFF MORE THAN 2,000 FIELD OFFICERS from the Army. If you're like me, this military amnesty feels like a kick in the stomach. Ok, now just imagine how it will feel if you hear the news around Christmas that Obama has given amnesty and work permits to FIVE MILLION ILLEGAL ALIENS or even more! To stop Obama we have to throw the political kitchen sink at him right now -- persuading Congress to show him they won't let him get away with it.

We need to fax and telephone like we've never done before. We need to get our message on the TV airwaves. We need a surge in local activism. The American people certainly don't want a massive amnesty. We have to make Obama see that his last two years will be ruined if he back-stabs Americans looking for jobs today".

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